2002.9-2008.6 中山大学地理科学与规划学院遥感与GIS工程系,硕博连读,获博士学位;
1998.9-2002.6 中山大学地理科学与规划学院,获自然地理学学士学位;
国际著名GIS刊物International Journal of Geographical Information Science(英国)、Landscape and Urban Planning审稿人,国内核心刊物“地理学报”、“测绘学报”“中南大学学报”等审稿人。[3]
GIS专业最权威刊物(International Journal of Geographical Information Science)
1) Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Liu Lin, He Jinqaing. A bottom-up approach to discover transition rules of cellular automata using ant intelligence. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2008, 22(11-12): 1247-1269.
2) Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Shi Xun, Zhang Xiaohu. Simulating land use dynamics under planning policies by integrating artificial immune systems with cellular automata. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2010, 24(5): 783-802.
3) Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Tan Zhangzhi. Zoning farmland protection under spatial constraints by integrating remote sensing, GIS and artificial immune systems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2011, 25(11): 1829-1848.
4) Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Shi Xun, Huang Kangning. A multi-type ant colony optimization (MACO) method for optimal land use allocation in large areas. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2012, 26(7): 1325-1343.
5) Liu Xiaoping, Ma Lei, Li Xia, Ai Bing, Li Shaoying, He Zhijian. Simulating urban growth by integrating landscape expansion index (LEI) and cellular automata. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2014, 28(1): 148-163.
6) Huang Kanging, Liu Xiaoping(Correspondence author), Li Xia, Liang Jiangyong. An improved artificial immune system for seeking the Pareto front of land use allocation problem in large areas. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2013, 27(5): 922-946.
7) Li Xuecao, Liu Xiaoping(Correspondence author). A systematic sensitivity analysis of constraint cellular automata model for urban growth simulation based on different transition rules. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. (In press).
8) Li Shaoying, Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping(Correspondence author). Simulation of spatial population dynamics based on labor economics and multi-agent systems: A case study on a rapidly developing manufacturing metropolis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2013, 27(12): 2410-2435.
9) Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping. An extended cellular automaton using case-based reasoning for simulating urban development in a large complex region. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2006, 20: 1109-1136.
10) Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping. Embedding sustainable development strategies in agent-based models for use as a planning tool. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2008, 22, 21-45.
11) Li Xia, He Jinqiang, Liu Xiaoping. Intelligent GIS for solving high-dimensional site selection problems using ant colony optimization techniques. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2009, 23(3-4), 399-416.
12) Li Xia, He Jinqiang, Liu Xiaoping. Ant intelligence for solving optimal path-covering problems with multi-objectives. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2009, 23(7), 839 – 857.
13) Chen Yi Min, Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping. An Agent-based Model for Optimal Land Allocation (AgentLA) with a Contiguity Constraint. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2010, 24(8): 1269-1288.
14) Li Xia, Zhang Xiaohu, Yeh A G O, Liu Xiaoping. Parallel cellular automata for large-scale urban simulation using load-balancing techniques. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2010, 24(6): 803-820.
15) Li Xia, Chen Yimin, Liu Xiaoping. Concepts, methodologies, and tools of an integrated geographical simulation and optimization system simulation and optimization system. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2011, 25(4): 633-655.
16) Li Xia, Lao Chunhua, Liu Xiaoping. Coupling urban cellular automata with ant colony optimization for zoning protected natural areas under a changing landscape. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2011, 25(4): 575-593.
17) Chen Yi Min, Li Xia, Wang shujie, Liu Xiaoping. Defining agents’ behaviour based on urban economic theory to simulate complex urban residential dynamics. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2012, 26(7): 1155-1172.
18) Li Xia, Zhang Yihan, Liu Xiaoping. Assimilating process context information of cellular automata into change detection for monitoring land use changes. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2012, 26(9): 1667-1687.
19) Li Xia, Lin Jingyao, Chen Yimin, Liu Xiaoping. Calibrating cellular automata based on landscape metrics by using genetic algorithms. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (In press)
20) Chen Yi Min, Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping. Modeling urban land-use dynamics in a fast developing city using the modified logistic cellular automaton with a patch-based simulation strategy. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (In press) 遥感专业权威刊物 (Remote Sensing of Environment 、IEEE Transactions On Geoscience and Remote Sensing、International Journal of Remote Sensing)
21) Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Liu Lin, He Jinqiang. An Innovative Method to Classify Remote-Sensing Images Using Ant Colony Optimization. IEEE Transactions On Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2008, 46(22): 4198-4208.
22) Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Zhang Xiaohu. Determining class proportions within a pixel using a new mixed-label analysis method. IEEE Transactions On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2010, 48(4): 1882-1891.
23) Liang Jiangyong, Liu Xiaoping(Correspondence author), Huang Kanging, Li Xia. Automatic Registration of Multi-sensor Images Using an Integrated Spatial and Mutual Information (SMI) Metric. IEEE Transactions On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52(1): 603-615.
24) Liang Jiangyong, Liu Xiaoping(Correspondence author), Huang Kanging, Li Xia. Improved snow depth retrieval by integrating microwave brightness temperature and visible/infrared reflectance. Remote Sensing of Environment (Accept).
25) Li Xuecao, Liu Xiaoping(Correspondence author). Aggregative model-based classifier ensemble for improving land use/cover classification of Landsat TM Images. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2014, 35(4): 1481-1495.
26) Ai Bing, Liu Xiaoping(Correspondence author). An Improved Sub-pixel Mapping Method Coupling Spatial Dependence with Directivity and Connectivity. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. (DOI 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2313978)
景观生态学国际权威刊物(Ecological Modelling、Landscape Ecology)
27) Liu, Xiaoping, Li Xia, Simulating complex urban development using kernel-based non-linear cellular automata. Ecological Modelling. 2008, 211(1-2): 169-181.
28) Liu, Xiaoping, Ou Jinpei, Li Xia, Ai Bin. Combining system dynamics and hybrid particle swarm optimization for land use allocation. Ecological Modelling. 2013, 257: 11-24.
29) Liu, Xiaoping, Li Xia, A new landscape index for quantifying urban expansion using multi-temporal remotely sensed data. Landscape Ecology. 2010, 25: 671-682.
30) Liu, Xiaoping, Lao Chunhua, Li Xia, An integrated approach of remote sensing, GIS and swarm intelligence for zoning protected ecological areas. Landscape Ecology. 2012, 27: 447-463.
31) Ou, Jinpei, Liu Xiaoping (Correspondence author), Li Xia, Quantifying the relationship between urban forms and carbon emissions using panel data analysis. Landscape Ecology. 2013, 28: 1889-1907.
环境科学国际权威刊物(Journal of Environmental Management)
32) Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping, Defining agents’ behaviors to simulate complex residential development using multicriteria evaluation, Journal of Environmental Management. 2007, 85: 1063-1075.
33) Pei Fengsong, Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping, Assessing the impacts of droughts on net primary productivity in China, Journal of Environmental Management. 2013, 114: 362-371.
34) Pei Fengsong, Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping, Assessing the differences in net primary productivity between pre- and post-urban land development in China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2013, 171-172: 174-186.
景观规划国际权威刊物(Landscape and Urban Planning)
35) Li Xia, Yang Qingsheng, Liu Xiaoping. Discovering and evaluating urban signatures for simulating compact development using cellular automata. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2008, 86: 177-186.
36) Chen Yimin, Li Xia, Zheng Yong, Guang Yanyan, Liu Xiaoping. Estimating the relationship between urban forms and energy consumption: A case study in the Pearl River Delta, 2005–2008. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2011, 102: 33-42.
地理学国际权威刊物(Annals of the Association of American Geographers)
37) Li X, Shi X, He, J Q, Liu Xiaoping, 2011, Coupling simulation and optimization to solve planning problems in a fast developing area. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 101(5), 1032–1048.
38) Chen Yimin, Li Xia, Wang Shujie, Liu Xiaoping, 2013, Simulating Urban Form and Energy Consumption in the Pearl River Delta Under Different Development Strategies. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. (In press) 中国科学、科学通报等
39) 刘小平,黎夏,叶嘉安,何晋强,利用蚁群智能挖掘地理元胞自动机的转换规则,中国科学,D辑,2007,37(6),824-834.
Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Yeh, A.G.O, Discovery of transition rules for geographical cellular automata by using ant colony optimization, Science in China (Series D). 2007, 50(10), 1578-1588.
40) 刘小平,黎夏,彭晓鹃,黎海波,何晋强,一种基于生物群集智能优化的遥感分类方法,中国科学,D辑,2007,37(10),1400-1408
Liu, Xiaoping, Li Xia, Peng Xiaojuan, He Jinqiang, Swarm intelligence for classification of remote sensing classification data, Science in China (Series D). 2008, 51(1), 79-87
41) 刘小平,黎夏,叶嘉安,基于多智能体系统的空间决策行为及土地利用格局演变的模拟,中国科学,2006,36(11),1027-1036
Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Yeh A G O, Multi-agent systems for simulating spatial decision behaviors and land use dynamics, Science in China (Series D). 2006, 49(11), 1184 -1194
42) 黎夏,杨青生,刘小平,基于CA的城市演变的知识挖掘及规划情景模拟,中国科学,D辑,2007,37(9),1242-1251
Li Xia, Yang Qingsheng, Liu Xiaoping, Genetic algorithms for determining the parameters of cellular automata in urban simulation, Science in China (Series D). 2007, 50(12), 1857-1866
43) Deng Ruru, Liu Qinhuo, Ke Ruipeng, Chen Lei, Liu Xiaoping, 2004, Model for water pollution remote sensing based on double scattering and its application in the Zhujiang River outfall. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 23(1), 119-128(SCI论文)
44) Li Xia., Yeh A G O, Wang Shugong, Liu Kai, Liu Xiaoping, 2007. Regression and analytical models for estimating mangrove wetland biomass in South China using Radarsat images. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 28(24), 5567 - 5582(SCI论文)
45) Liu Tao, Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping, 2010. Integration of small world networks with multiagent systems for simulating epidemic spatiotemporal transmission. Chinese science bulletin. 55(13), 1285-1293(SCI论文)
46) Li Dan, Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping, 2012. GPU-CA model for large-scale land-use change simulation. Chinese science bulletin. 57(19), 2442-2452(SCI论文),地理学报
47) 刘小平,黎夏,张啸虎,陈刚强,李少英,陈逸敏,人工免疫系统与嵌入规划目标的城市模拟及应用,地理学报,2008,63(8),882-894
48) 刘小平,黎夏,艾彬,陶海燕,伍少坤,刘涛,基于多智能体的土地利用模拟与规划模型,地理学报,2006,61(10),1101-1112
49) 刘小平,黎夏,从高维特征空间中获取元胞自动机的非线性转换规则,地理学报,2006,61(6),663-672
50) 刘小平,黎夏,陈逸敏,秦雁,李少英,一种新的景观指数及其在城市扩张定量分析中的应用,地理学报,2009,64(12),1430-1438
51) 刘小平,黎夏,陈逸敏,刘涛,李少英,基于多智能体的居住区位空间选择模型,地理学报,2010, 65(6),695-707
52) 黎夏,刘小平,基于案例推理的元胞自动机及大区域城市演变模拟,地理学报,2007,62(10),1097-1109
53) 黎夏,刘小平,基于耦合的地理模拟优化系统,地理学报,2009,64(8),1009-1018
54) 陶海燕,黎夏,陈晓翔,刘小平,基于多智能体的地理空间分异现象模拟——以城市居住空间演变为例,地理学报,2007,62(6),579-588.
55) 陈逸敏,黎夏,刘小平,基于耦合地理模拟优化系统GeoSOS的农田保护区预警,地理学报,2010,65(9),1137-1145,遥感学报、生态学报、测绘学报、中山大学学报、地理科学
56) 刘小平,黎夏,Fisher判别及自动获取元胞自动机的转换规则,测绘学报,2007,36(1),112-118(EI论文)
57) 刘小平,黎夏,彭晓鹃,生态位元胞自动机在土地可持续规划模型中的应用,生态学报, 2007, 27(6): 2391-2402.
58) 刘小平,黎夏,何晋强,基于蚁群集智能的遥感影像分类新方法,遥感学报,2008,12(2),253-262.
59) 刘小平, 黎夏,陈蕾,改进最短距离法自动获取元胞自动机转换规则,中山大学学报,2006,45(4),103-106(EI论文)
60) 刘小平,邓孺孺,彭晓鹃,悬浮泥沙定量遥感综合模式及其在珠江口中的应用,中山大学学报,2005,44(3),110-113(EI论文)
61) 刘小平,邓孺孺,彭晓鹃,基于TM影像的快速大气校正方法,地理科学,2005,25(1),87-93
62) 伍少坤,黎夏,刘小平,龚友夫,基于城市扩张的动态选址模型——以深圳垃圾转运站选址为例,地理科学,2008,28(3),314-319
63) 黎海波,黎夏,刘小平,多目标粒子群算法与选址中的形状优化,遥感学报,2008,12(5),724-733
64) 何晋强,黎夏,刘小平,蚁群智能及其在大区域基础设施选址中的应用,遥感学报,2009,12(2),246-256
65) 黎夏,叶嘉安,王树功,刘凯,刘小平,钱峻屏,红树林湿地植被生物量的雷达遥感估算. 遥感学报,2006, 10(3),387-396
66) 乔纪纲,刘小平,张奕汉,基于LiDAR高度纹理和神经网络的地物分类. 遥感学报,2011, 15(3),546-553(通讯作者)
67) 张奕汉,黎夏,刘小平,乔纪纲,基于数据同化的元胞自动机. 遥感学报,2011, 15(3),483-491(通讯作者) 其它期刊论文
68) Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia Ai Bing Liu Tao. Kernel-Based Cellular Automata for Urban Simulation, Natural Computation, 2007. ICNC 2007. Volume III. 556-560(EI论文)
69) 刘小平,邓孺孺,彭晓鹃,城市绿地遥感信息自动提取研究,地域研究与开发,2005,24(5),110-113.
70) 刘小平,彭晓鹃,艾彬,像元信息分解与决策树相结合的影像分类方法,地理与地理信息科学,2004,20(6),35-39
71) 陶嘉,黎夏,刘小平,何晋强,分析学习智能元胞自动机及优化的城市模拟,地理与地理信息科学,2007,23(5),43-51
72) 杨青生,黎夏,刘小平,基于Agent和CA的城市土地利用变化模拟,地球信息科学,2005,7(2),78-81
73) 黎夏,叶嘉安,刘小平,地理模拟系统在城市规划中的应用,城市规划,2006,30(6),69-74
74) 陈蕾,邓孺孺,柯锐鹏,刘小平,基于地面耦合的TM影像的大气校正——以珠江口为例,地理与地理信息科学,2004,20(2),34-37
75) 艾彬,徐建华,岳文泽,刘小平,湖南省城市空间关联研究,地域研究与开发,2004,23(6),48-52
76) 彭晓鹃,邓孺孺,刘小平,遥感尺度转换研究进展,地理与地理信息科学,2004, 20(5),6-14
77) 刘涛,黎夏,刘小平,基于小世界网络的多智能体及传染病时空传播模拟,科学通报,2009,54(24),3834-3843
78) 李少英,黎夏,刘小平,城市轴向扩展时空过程模型与测度——以东莞市城市发展为例,城市发展研究,2009,16(9),73-80
79) 李少英,黎夏,刘小平,基于多时相图谱的土地利用变化特征分析,遥感信息,2008,4,39-44
80) 黎夏,叶嘉安,刘小平,杨青生,地理模拟系统:元胞自动机和多智能体,2007,北京:科学出版社, 312 pp.
81) 黎夏,刘小平,李少英,智能式GIS与空间优化,北京:科学出版社,278 pp(2010年1月出版)
1) 国家优秀青年科学基金项目“地理模拟与空间智能”(负责人,批准号41322009,2014-2016年,总经费100万人民币)。
2) “万人计划”青年拔尖人才支持项目(负责人, 2014-2016年,总经费240万人民币)。
3) 国家自然科学基金“基于复杂多目标的低碳城市空间结构及形态的模拟与优化”(负责人,批准号41171308,2012-2015年,总经费65万人民币)。
4) 国家自然科学基金“基于决策主体与动态多目标的土地资源时空优化配置研究”(负责人,批准号40901187,2010-2012年,总经费25万人民币)。
5) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)“对地观测传感网一体化数据融合与同化方法” (副组长,项目编号2011CB707103,2011-2015年,总经费392万人民币)。
6) 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金(负责人,批准号3149001,2012-2015年,总经费66万人民币)
7) 中山大学“百人计划”启动项目“地理模拟和遥感图像智能处理”(负责人,项目编号3172211,2008-2010年,总经费50万人民币)。
8) 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室开放课题“智能地理模拟及空间优化技术研究”(负责人,项目编号4106298,2008-2009年,总经费20万人民币)。
9) 中山大学重点培育计划项目“基于人工智能的城市模拟及土地利用空间优化”(负责人,项目编号1132317,2008-2010年,总经费30万人民币)。
10) 广东省自然科学基金项目“基于群集智能与决策主体的土地利用时空优化研究”(负责人,项目编号9451027501002471,2009-2011年,总经费3万人民币)。
11) 教育部博士点基金“复杂变化环境下的土地资源动态优化及高效配置研究”(负责人,项目编号4115391,2009-2011年,总经费3.6万人民币)。
12) 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划资助项目“土地利用动态变化模拟及智能决策支持研究”(负责人,项目编号3161398,2010-2013年,总经费15万人民币)。
13) 广东省优秀博士论文项目资助“基于空间智能的城市生态控制线自动划定研究”(负责人,项目编号3467954,2010-2012年,总经费5万人民币)。
14) 地方委托项目“毕节-大方生态环境保护专题研究”(负责人,2013-2015年,总经费30万人民币)。
15) 地方委托项目“广东省海岸带演变监测及生态预警”(负责人,项目编号7085321,2010-2011年,总经费35万人民币)。
16) 地方委托项目“白云区2020年建设用地规模和空间布局研究”(负责人,2011-2013年,总经费32万人民币)。
17) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“复杂资源环境及演变下的智能化地理模拟及决策支持”(排名第三,项目编号40830532,2009-2012年,总经费150万人民币)。
18) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)“基于网格计算的地理模拟系统”(排名第三,项目编号4104177,2007-2009年,总经费88万人民币)。